PARCC Conversations in Conflict Studies presents: Timothy Noble Jennings-Bey and Arnett Haygood-El
220 Eggers Hall, Strasser Legacy Room
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"Structural Violence in Syracuse." Timothy “Noble” Jennings-Bey and Arnett Haygood-El from the Street Addiction Institute, Inc., Syracuse, NY
Will discuss the the social determinants of trauma from neighborhood violence which are rooted in historical processes, including urban renewal, the Rockefeller drug laws, and de-industrialization. These contributed to destabilizing Syracuse communities of color, resulting in disproportionate incarceration, family disruption, and economic devastation. Community violence, clustering in densely populated neighborhoods, creates unmanageable stress for the families who live in them.
Conversations in Conflict Studies is a weekly educational speaker series for students, faculty, and the community. The series, sponsored by PARCC, draws its speakers from Syracuse University faculty, national and international scholars and activists, and PhD students. Pizza is served. Follow us on Twitter @PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict.
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