PARCC Conversations in Conflict Studies presents Olive Sephuma
400A Eggers Hall
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"Overcoming Barriers to Reintegration."
Olive Sephuma, Director Center for New Americans, InterFaith Works of CNY.
Olive will discuss the resettlement and post-resettlement work involved in helping refugee families fleeing conflict to re-establish their lives and overcome the barriers to successful integration in their new communities. The program she leads typically resettles 500-600 new refugees each year, and annually serves an additional 1,200 families who have been in the U.S. for less than five years.
Conversations in Conflict Studies is a weekly educational speaker series for students, faculty, and the community. The series, sponsored by PARCC, draws its speakers from Syracuse University faculty, national and international scholars and activists, and PhD students. Pizza is served. Follow us on Twitter
@PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict.
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