Moynihan East Asia Program: Mary E. Lovely - Economic Integration and Spatial Wage Differences
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan East Asia Program presents: Mary E. Lovely - Economic Integration and Spatial Wage Differences: Has Market Access in China Become More Valuable?
Mary E. Lovely, Professor of Economics, Syracuse University
In this talk, Dr. Mary E. Lovely considers the forces leading to systematic variation in wages across Chinese cities. Relying on theoretical models from "new economic geography," she proposes an explanation for spatial productivity differences based on differential access to domestic and international markets. Using several waves of Chinese household surveys, she then tests this "market access" explanation for spatial wage variation, producing several interesting ancillary results about declines in trade barriers between provinces and between China and its international trading partners.
Mary E. Lovely is Professor of Economics at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. She was co-editor of the China Economic Review from 2011-2015. Dr. Lovely earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Harvard University.
Lunch will be provided.
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