Transnational Education - The Role of NGOs in Teaching Abroad
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan Transnational NGO Initiative presents: Transnational Education - The Role of NGOs in Teaching Abroad
Panel Discussion:
Victor Ruiz, Executive Master of Public Administration
William Ernst, Master of Public Administration
Linnea Powell, Master of Public Administration
Rachel Belkin, Master of Public Administration
Education – both formal and informal systems – are a key component of development throughout the world. Curriculum and teaching styles vary in different regions, which creates unique cultural challenges for education practitioners. Capacity building and education are key to programming in many transnational NGOs. These organizations face unique challenges but also high reward. Join our student panel to learn from your peers about challenges in teaching and implementing educational practices across different cultures and the issues that can arise within NGOs as well as within the classroom.
Lunch will be served.
Sponsored by the Transnational NGO Initiative at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
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