Set to Fail? The Dynamics of Command and Control in Regional Nuclear Powers
204 Maxwell Hall
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Guest Speaker: David Acheneaux, Political Science Ph.D. Candidate at the Syracuse University Maxwell School.
What factors explain the origins of command and control systems in regional nuclear powers? Why do some states implement robust technical and administrative controls over their nuclear arsenals, while others limit safeguards against unwanted nuclear use? This project draws upon interviews and declassified archival material from India, Pakistan, and South Africa to demonstrate the effects of increased levels of direct military influence in politics on nuclear decision-making in regional nuclear powers.
Conversations in Conflict Studies is a weekly educational speaker series for students, faculty, and the community. The series draws its speakers from Syracuse University faculty, national and international scholars and activists, and PhD students. Pizza is served. Follow us on Twitter @PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict.
Sponsored by the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) of the Syracuse University Maxwell School.
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