What is China's New Normal Economy?
204 Maxwell Hall
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Guest Speaker: Ru Wang, Associate Professor of Economics and the Deputy Director of the Government Economics Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Governance.
Ru Wang’s research focuses on Environmental Economics and Internet Economics. She is now a visiting scholar at PARCC. As a member of important think tank, some of her research and consulting recommendations were accepted by federal government of China and influenced public policies. In this speech, she will talk about the "New Normal" economy of China and analyze the reasons of the slow down, the serious challenges, and the emerging new economic phenomenon.
Conversations in Conflict Studies is a weekly educational speaker series for students, faculty, and the community. The series, sponsored by PARCC, draws its speakers from Syracuse University faculty, national and international scholars and activists, and PhD students. Pizza is served. Follow us on Twitter @PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict.
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