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The ICC & the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Where Do We Go From Here?

Global Collaboratory (Eggers 060)

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Carol Becker Middle East Security Speaker Series

Yonah Jeremy Bob is a foreign affairs lecturer and Intelligence, Terrorism, and Legal Analyst for The Jerusalem Post. He has been speaking professionally since 2000 in the US, Canada, and Israel, addressing the peace process, security issues, Mossad, CIA and Shin Bet, Iran, war crimes allegations, BDS, cyber and drone warfare, politics, and more.

Bob has previously worked for the IDF Legal Division, the Foreign Ministry, and the Justice Ministry. He has been interviewed on and provided analysis to CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, The Washington Post, ABC Radio (Australia), TRT Turkish TV, Sky News, Reuters, Russia Today, KABC Radio (Los Angeles), and Voice of America.

For more information, please contact Martin Walls by email at or on the INSCT website.

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