CAC Workshop Presentation & Discussion
225 Eggers Hall
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DE/CONSTRUCTING THE MIDDLE EASTERN CITY: Places, publics, & geographies of global connection, Workshop Presentation & Discussion
12:00 – 12:30 Eggers 225 Lunch & workshop introductions12:30 – 2:45 Eggers 225 Workshop presentations & discussion
De/constructing the Middle Eastern city: Places, publics, and geographies of global connection
Natalie Koch, Associate Professor
Timur Hammond, Assistant Professor, Geography, Syracuse University
Middle East cityscapes and everyday life in the wake of World War I – Drawings by Robert Hofmann, 1917-28
Kent Schull, Associate Professor, History, Binghamton University
From the capital of Africa to the Caliphate: High modern authoritarianism and infrastructural warfare in Sirte, Libya
Jacob Mundy, Associate Professor, Political Science, Colgate University
“This is not the half of it, wait until 2023”: Utopian narratives and affective partisan ties in Turkey
Aykut Ozturk, PhD Candidate, Political Science, Syracuse University
Sharjah between tourism and local identity: The complexities of city-space
Shaundel Sanchez, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, Syracuse University
For information on accessibility, or to request accommodation, please contact Marc Albert 315-443-9248
Sponsored by the Central Asia Center, the Caucasus Research Group and the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Co-Sponsored by: Department of Geography, International Relations, History
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