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Matilde Bombardini - TDPE

341 Eggers Hall

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Trade, Development and Political Economy and Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs present: 

Matilde Bombardini - 

Matilde Bombardini is an Associate Professor in the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia. She is a Fellow in the Institutions, Organizations and Growth Program of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, a Research Associate in the Political Economy Program of the National Bureau of Economic Analysis, a Distinguished Scholar at the Sauder School of Business and Co-Editor of the Journal of International Economics. Her research covers various aspects of International Trade and Political Economy. In particular, she has worked on the link between skill distribution and comparative advantage, the lobbying decision of firms and the behavior of lobbyists.

Matilde obtained her PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2005, and her undergraduate degree from the University of Bologna in Italy in 2000. She is currently visiting the Department of Economics at Stanford University until July 2018

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