PARCC Conversations in Conflict Studies presents Robert Shetterly
204 Maxwell Hall
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Reality Check: Environment, Economy, Militarism, Democracy
Guest Speaker: Robert Shetterly, Artist and Founder of Americans Who Tell the Truth Project
Robert will speak in a general way about the mythic assumptions in the US underlying issues such as environment, economy, militarism and
democracy and where we really are, how they are intertwined, and what, then, that means about what we need to be doing to either align ourselves with reality, change it, or be changed by it. Robert Shetterly, the founder of Americans Who Tell
the Truth and the painter of the AWTT portraits, was born in 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated in 1969 from Harvard College with a degree in English Literature. Also, during this time, he was active in Civil Rights and in the Anti-Vietnam War
movement. Since 2002 he has been painting the series of portraits Americans Who Tell the Truth, a project that highlights citizens who have courageously addressed issues of social, environmental, and economic fairness.
Conversations in Conflict
Studies is a weekly educational speaker series for students, faculty, and the community. The series, sponsored by PARCC, draws its speakers from Syracuse University faculty, national and international scholars and activists, and PhD students. Pizza
is served. Be sure to check out the full list of speakers.
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