PARCC Conflict and Collaboration: For Better or Worse Book Symposium
060 Eggers Hall, the Global Collaboratory
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The newly published book, Conflict and Collaboration: For Better or Worse claims that conflict and collaboration can be good, bad, or benign. A panel chapter authors will present central themes and ideas for future research.
- Steven R. Brechin - Professor, Sociology, Rutgers University - "Civil society- government collaborations in Belize Central America: from better to worse in shared ecological conservation governance?"
- John S. Burdick - Professor, Anthropology Syracuse University - "The role of coercion in collaboration"
- Robert M. Demgenski - Ph.D. Candidate and Miriam Fendius Elman - Associate Professor, Political Science, Syracuse University - "Conflict and collaboration in international relations theory"
- Catherine Gerard - Director of PARCC, Syracuse University - "Understanding the link between collaboration and better or worse relations: the view from public administration"
- Louis Kriesberg - Emeritus Professor Social Conflict Studies, Syracuse University - "Improving social relations"
- W. Henry Lambright - Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs and Political Science, Syracuse University - "Building the International Space Station: leadership, conflict, and collaboration"
- Robert A. Rubinstein - Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Professor, International Relations, Syracuse University - "Coercing consensus? Notes on power and the hegemony of collaboration"
- Susan L. Senecah - Professor Emerita, Environmental Studies, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry - "The Long Island, New York Pine Barrens experience: from confrontation to consensus"
- Margaret Susan Thompson - Associate Professor, History and Political Science, Syracuse University - "Concentric circles of sisterhood: American nuns respond to Vatican Kyriarchy"
If you require accommodations, please contact Deborah Toole by email or by phone at 315.443.2367.
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