Crafting Informed Consent for Transparent Research - CQMI
341 Eggers Hall
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Graduate students and faculty interested in learning how to collect social science data from human participants that can be shared ethically and legally are invited to this practical workshop. The workshop will discuss how a nuanced informed consent process can empower the people we interview and grant them agency over decisions regarding their information, while also facilitating academic openness. The event is part of the annual, worldwide Love Data Week, which in 2019 has the theme “Open Data and Data Justice.”
The workshop begins with brief presentations by Jeanne Diederich, IRB Administrator at SU’s Office of Research Integrity and Protections; Paul Bern, Research Data Service Librarian at SU Libraries; and Sebastian Karcher and Dessi Kirilova from the Qualitative Data Repository hosted at the Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry in the Moynihan Institute. The core of the workshop will consist of an hour of hands-on work centered around the participants’ own consent scripts (or/and IRB application more broadly).
All members of the SU community are welcome, although the event is geared toward, and will be most useful to, students and faculty preparing internal or external grant applications for projects that include empirical data collection involving human participants.
For more information and to RSVP, please contact Please RSVP by February 11 to register for this event.
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