Roundtable on Brexit: Why Has the UK (Still) Failed to Leave the European Union?
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Center for European Studies
Roundtable on Brexit: Why Has the UK (Still) Failed to Leave the European Union?
The UK was due to leave the European Union on March 29 2019—nearly three years after the Referendum of June 2016. The UK parliament has, however, found it difficult to agree on how it should leave, or where it should end up.
Seth Jolly and Glyn Morgan--two Political Scientists who work on the European Union--will try to explain why the UK has found it so difficult to leave. What does this difficulty tell us about British politics, populism, referendums, the EU, and the nature of global trading blocs?
Speakers: Glyn Morgan and Seth Jolly, Department of Political Science, Syracuse University
Chair: Renée de Nevers, Department of Public Administration and International Affairs, and Social Science Program, Syracuse University
Sponsoring Departments: Center for European Studies, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, International Relations Program and Department of Political Science
For more information, contact Havva Karakas-Keles,
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