CET in Latin America: A Presentation of CET Study Abroad Programs in Brazil and Colombia
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Program on Latin America and the Caribbean
CET in Latin America: A Presentation of CET Study Abroad Programs in Brazil and Colombia
Please join us for a presentation and conversation with Héctor Cruz-Feliciano, Senior Programs Manager of Latin America at CET Academic Programs. Dr. Cruz-Feliciano will talk about the Syracuse Abroad-approved CET Brazil: Social Justice & Inequality program, including the new electives that are being added to the program in 2020. He will also present on the new CET Colombia program focused on race, identity, and ethnicity through the Afro-Colombia lens. Syracuse Abroad is looking at this program for possible approval as it may fill a niche for Syracuse students who wish to focus on this topic.
Originally from Puerto Rico, Dr. Cruz-Feliciano has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He has taught Social Sciences and Political Science at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, Universidad Metropolitana (Puerto Rico), Universidad Thomas More (Nicaragua), and in the Political Science graduate program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. From 2003 to 2013 he served as Resident Director for CIEE in Nicaragua and Chile. He has traveled extensively in Latin America and speaks Spanish and Portuguese. He is in charge of the design, implementation and execution of the CET programs in Latin America.
Sponsored by Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, Program on Latin America and the Caribbean (PLACA), Syracuse University Abroad, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, and CET Academic Programs
Contact Havva Karakas-Keles for more information: hkarakas@syr.edu
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