Will Conflict Return to Northern Ireland?
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Center for European Studies
Will Conflict Return to Northern Ireland?
A Talk by Ken Pennington
Independent Consultant on Policing, Counter Terrorism and Human Rights
Former Superintendent, Police Service of Northern Ireland
This presentation will provide an overview of how the conflict period known as the ‘Troubles’ began in 1969 and continued into the early 2000s. The origins of the key terrorist groups (Republican as well as Loyalist) and their ethos will be discussed. There will be an examination of the ‘lessons learned’ by the United Kingdom in its strategic response, and an explanation of key political changes. With that foundation, the presentation will move on to how terrorism has been evolving in more recent years. The new terrorist groups, their capabilities and the extent of the threat to peace in Northern Ireland will be illustrated. The presentation will then provide a strategic assessment of what is likely to happen next, particularly in the event of a ‘No Deal Brexit’.
Sponsored by Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs and Center for European Studies
Contact Havva Karakas-Keles for more information: hkarakas@syr.edu
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