Effective Data Management in the Age of Research Transparency
352 Eggers Hall
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Social science is undergoing a transparency revolution. Funders, journals, other researchers, and the public increasingly expect research data and methods to be shared. In this practical workshop, you will learn how to plan your research from the beginning to be able to meet such demands. We will focus on key considerations for data management of social science projects such as organization, documentation and metadata, data security, and participant confidentiality. Relatedly, we will discuss how to approach informed consent with human participants in the context of data sharing and will present informed consent templates to use as a starting point. Additionally, we will review various on- and off-campus resource data professionals and organizations which could be of assistance in the process of planning and implementing one’s data management.
All members of the SU community are welcome, although the event is geared toward students and faculty currently preparing grant applications (internal or external) for projects that include empirical data collection involving human participants.
Lunch will be served. Please email qdr@syr.edu by February 12 to register for the event. The Qualitative Data Repository is hosted at the Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry.
Speakers: Sebastian Karcher and Dessi Kirilova Qualitative Data Repository
The event is part of the annual, worldwide Love Data Week (https://lovedataweek.org), whose focus this year is on working with students to help them get to know the data specialists at their institution, the kinds of work they do, and the data and associated issues that these data specialists engage with.
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