Javed Younas: Understanding the Woes of Pakistan’s Electricity Sector and Possible Solutions
204 Maxwell Hall
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
South Asia Center presents:
Understanding the Woes of Pakistan’s Electricity Sector and Possible Solutions: A Behavioral Approach
Electricity fuels all aspects of our everyday lives, including production, consumption, communication, transportation, and routine financial transactions. Pakistan’s electricity sector has long been facing unprecedented challenges. It is stuck in a bad equilibrium characterized by costly energy production, overloaded infrastructure, high transmission and distribution losses, extraordinary load shedding, and mounting circular debt. Consequently, the economy as a whole suffers from unreliable and poor quality of electricity provision. Why, despite the attention given by every government, has this sector not been able to recover from the bad equilibrium? Drawing upon the findings from our recent work, this talk will mainly focus on the distortions in the distribution system arising from: (i) high distribution losses due to unmetered consumption or theft, and (ii) low revenue recovery.
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