Today’s Geographies of Imperialism Symposium
Eggers Hall, 060, the Global Collaboratory
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The symposium invites faculty, graduate students, and scholar activists to refine and complicate our understanding of imperialism today in specific historical, political-economic and geographic contexts. In seeking to understand imperialism, the symposium also aims to learn lessons from scholars and activists who confront imperialism and share opportunities for solidarity and community-engaged work. Discussions and connections built through this symposium will form the basis of a special issue journal publication on engaging with imperialism as a geographic concept of analysis.
This symposium will have a hybrid format, with participation virtually (through Zoom) as well as in-person. If possible, we encourage attendees to come in-person.
Co-sponsored by the Department of Geography and the Environment, the Public Administration and International Affairs Department, the Department of Women's and Gender Studies, the Department of English, and the Department of Art and Music Histories.
Social Science and Public Policy
Lectures and Seminars
Open to
Students, Graduate and Professional
Students, Undergraduate
MAX-Geography and the Environment, CAS-Department of English, MAX-Public Administration and International Affairs, CAS-Department of Art and Music Histories, CAS-Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
Contact Deborah Toole to request accommodations