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CPR Workshop: Writing Effective Research and Policy Briefs

Eggers Hall, 060

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Reporters, policymakers, practitioners and members of the general public do not always have access to academic research, nor the expertise to parse it for policy and practice implementation. Research and policy briefs are short and clear summaries of information that can help readers understand and make informed decisions about some issue or problem.

This workshop, presented by CPR Director Shannon Monnat, is for scholars who want to learn how to write compelling and jargon-free briefs targeted at reporters, policymakers and other non-academic audiences. The workshop will cover the reasons why scholars should write briefs, the recommended structure and content for briefs, and general tips for effective writing and data visualization.

The workshop will also provide an overview of opportunities to publish briefs with the Center for Policy Research and the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health. All Maxwell faculty members, students and research staff are encouraged to attend. 


Social Science and Public Policy


Information Sessions



Open to


Students, Graduate and Professional


MAX-Center for Policy Research


Alyssa Kirk


Contact Alyssa Kirk to request accommodations