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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Race & Ethnicity

Jackson shares her perspective on racial acts on campus in Washington Post

Jenn Jackson writer about the #NotAgainSU movement, discussing her experience with racism on the Syracuse University campus. "These events force us to confront the thin line between our beliefs and our practices," 

December 3, 2019

White discusses his recent book on WWII and racial politics on New Books Network

Steven White, assistant professor of political science, shows in his book "World War II and American Racial Politics" that the white public’s racial policy opinions largely did not liberalize during the war against Nazi Germany and Congress remained unwilling to act on a civil rights policy agenda.

October 25, 2019

Jackson discusses forgiveness after violence on WNYC's The Takeaway

"What's happening, at least in my research, is that young people have been organizing for a great deal of time. And what they've been saying is that, you know, enough is enough," says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

October 15, 2019

White quoted in NY Post article on Warren's segregationist gaffe

"Regarding [Elizabeth] Warren’s use of [Frances] Perkins in her speech tonight: I just want to note that this [Perkins' opposition to the Brown v. Board of Education verdict] is something Perkins said near the end of her life, was buried in an extremely long academic oral history interview, and isn’t really public knowledge," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.

September 18, 2019

Jackson featured in Medium article on imposter syndrome

"By labeling every single moment of self-doubt expressed by women, primarily those of color, as impostor syndrome, we flatten the complexities and pervasiveness of White Supremacy and patriarchy," writes Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

September 9, 2019

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