Books by Maxwell School Faculty

North Star Country: Upstate New York and the Crusade for African American Freedom
Milton C. Sernett
Syracuse University Press, 2001
New York State

Bridges and Boundaries: Historians, Political Scientists, and the Study of International Relations
Miriam F. Elman and Colin Elman
MIT Press, 2001

An Archaeology of Elmina: Africans and Europeans on the Gold Coast, 1400-1900
Christopher DeCorse
Smithsonian Press, 2001

Leaders, Groups, and Coalitions: Understanding the People and Processes in Foreign Policymaking
Margaret Hermann
Wiley-Blackwell, 2001

Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels
Badi H. Baltagi
Emerald Group Publishing, 2001

Venice Reconsidered: The History and Civilization of an Italian City-State, 1297-1797
Dennis Romano
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000

Care Work: Gender, Labor, and the Welfare State
Madonna Harrington Meyer
Routledge Press, 2000
Gender and Sex