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EA presents: Pierre Chabal

341 Eggers Hall

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Pierre ChabalProfessor of Political Science and International Relations, Le Havre University, France

Korean Unification: A World and Regional Issue

International politics triggered the division of Korea in 1945, and the peninsula has remained divided between the north and south ever since. Within this framework, national unification is considered a regional and international concern, rather than purely a national problem. It is doubtful, however, to argue that the peninsula will follow the German model of unification. Then what other scenarios may lead to national reconciliation? Dr. Chabal’s talk will explore possibilities for Korean unification, hoping to trigger debate and discussion about this important issue 

Sponsored by the East Asia Program at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs and the Korean Peninsula Affairs Program at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
346 Eggers Hall