South Asia Center presents: Bandita Sijapati - Migrant Bodies, Migrant Deaths: Political Production and Management of Workers' Fatalities
341 Eggers Hall
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South Asia Center presents: Bandita Sijapati - Migrant Bodies, Migrant Deaths: Political Production and Management of Workers' Fatalities
Bandita Sijapati, Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)
With 1,600 Nepalis leaving the country on a daily basis for employment abroad, the remittances they send back home comprise some 30 percent of Nepal’s Gross Domestic Product. However, this income is often at a great personal cost to these workers, including high rates of fatality. In this presentation, Sijapati examines the politics and struggles over livelihoods, lives, and deaths of Nepali migrant workers. She will focus particularly on how the dead bodies of migrant workers are experienced and deployed in the contestation and articulation of state authority and power.
Sponsored by the South Asia Center at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs and the Social Science PhD Program
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