Select electives that meet your goals.
- Analyze aspects of the history and geography of South Asia.
- Contrast and critique various social, economic and political dimensions of South Asia including but not limited to: gender, caste, class, education, law, health, ethnicity, national identity and religion.
- Interpret the diverse functions and cultural meanings of expressive culture in South Asia.
- Analyze key processes of modernity and globalization within and among South Asian nations.
- Develop ideas and arguments about South Asia in writing.
Take one of the following 3-credit courses.
- Gender & Sexuality in South Asia (ANT 621/SAS 622)
- Problems in Anthropology of South Asia (ANT 625)
- Cultures and Politics of Afghanistan and Pakistan (ANT 626/SAS 626/PAI 626)
- Language Training in Preparation for Research Using Hindi (HIN 620)
- Readings and Research in South Asian History (HST 775)
- Global Hinduism (REL 687)
- Advanced Hindi (HIN 610)
Choose three additional courses.
- Gender & Sexuality in South Asia (ANT 621/SAS 622)
- Problems in Anthropology of South Asia (ANT 625)
- Cultures and Politics of Afghanistan and Pakistan (ANT 626/SAS 626/PAI 626)
- Muslim Rituals, Practices, and Performances* (ANT 628/REL 628)
- Development Anthropology* (ANT 756)
- Gender and Globalization* (ANT 764/GEO 764/WGS 764)
- Language Training in Preparation for Research Using Hindi (HIN 620)
- Readings and Research in South Asian History (HST 775)
- Dimensions of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism* (LIN 671)
- Global Communication Through World Englishes* (LIN 681)
- Culture in World Affairs* (PAI 707)
- International Actors and Issues* (PAI 710)
- Topics in Global Development* (PAI 715)
- Girls’ Education in the Developing World* (PAI 759)
- Teaching World Religions in Theory and Practice* (REL 621)
- Pluralism in Islam* (REL 625)
- Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam* (REL 626)
- Globalization and Religion: Processes and problems* (REL 627)
- Global Hinduism (REL 687)
- Other People’s Religions* (REL 692)
- Gender and Religion: Theory and Practice* (REL 696)
- Writing Religions and Cultures: Ethnographic Practice* (REL 699)
- Development and Sustainability* (GEO 606)
- Water: Environment, Society and Politics* (GEO 622)
- Advanced Hindi (HIN 610)
- Perspectives on Terrorism* (LAW 744)
- International Human Rights* (LAW 778)
- Emerging Issues in Int’l Law* (LAW 810)
- Topics in Sociolinguistics* (LIN 674)
- Forensic Linguistics* (LIN 675)
- Public Finance: An International Perspective* (PAI 790)
- Crisis Management* (PSC 759)
- Comparative Foreign Policy* (PSC 783)
- Political Leadership* (PSC 788)
*Some South Asian content is included (30% or more). Students may use these courses for the certificate only if they write their research paper on a South Asian topic.
For complete CAS requirements, please visit the Course Catalog.
How to Apply
After consulting with their faculty advisor, students interested in obtaining the South Asian Studies certificate will work with the director and regional programs manager of the South Asia Center to complete and submit the necessary forms for enrollment.
For More Information

Matthew Baxter
Regional Programs Manager, Asia, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Assistant Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Political Science Department
346 Eggers Hall
315.443.2553 |

South Asia Center Receives $1 Million in Federal Grants
South Asia is a large, geopolitically, economically and socially important region of the world. These grants make it possible for us to continue to support research and advance the Center’s programming goals."
Prema Kurien
Director of South Asia Center and professor of sociology