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Fitore Hyseni

Fitore Hyseni

Contact Information:

462 Dineen Hall


Gretchen Purser

Peter Blanck

Scott D. Landes

Fitore Hyseni

Recent Graduate, Social Science Ph.D. Program

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2024

Graduate Student Dissertation Title

"Three Essays on Socio-Spatial Exclusion of Disabled People."


Fitore Hyseni earned a master of public administration from Syracuse University and a bachelor's degree in public policy and economics from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Fitore's research interests broadly include social-spatial exclusion, geographies of inequality, urbanization and housing, and precarity. Her dissertation research explores housing experiences of renters with disabilities and the effects of precarity on housing outcomes.  She is particularly interested in how welfare restructuring and austerity measures shape housing experiences of marginalized populations.

Research Interests

Sociology of disability, disability studies, work and labor, socio-spatial exclusion, inequality and stratification, urban poverty, precarity, housing and homelessness, mixed methods research, audit studies

Field of Study

Social-spatial exclusion, geographies of inequality, urbanization and housing, and precarity