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Kevin Melton

Contact Information:

Kevin Melton

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

Highest degree earned

M.A., Queensland University, Australia


Kevin Melton is a the policy division chief (acting) with the United State Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS). He and his team lead USAID and U.S. government efforts to shape and implement critical national security and conflict related assistance policies and legislation focused on enabling peace and resilience. These include the Global Fragility Act and its corresponding U.S. Strategy to Promote Peace and Stability, as well as USAID’s efforts on Women, Peace and Security; atrocity prevention; climate security; countering violent extremism; stabilization and peacebuilding.

Melton is an international development specialist, foreign policy analyst and entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in post-conflict and international human security matters throughout Africa, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. He has managed and coordinated a variety of donor-funded foreign aid projects focused on conflict sensitive development.

Melton has helped train and lead civilian and military teams providing policy guidance and strategic and operational analysis to enhance civil-military planning efforts with bilateral and multilateral organizations, donors and embassies. He has worked as a stability assistance advisor to special operations forces in the Middle East and to NATO headquarters in Afghanistan supporting Commanders General Petraeus and General Allen. He has managed and directed several large USAID stabilization programs including Afghanistan and East Africa.

He has a B.A. from James Madison University and an M.A. from Queensland University, Australia. He is a Rotary World Peace Fellow Alumnus and a Truman National Security Project Fellow.