City Scripts Symposia Series: “Stretchy Cities”
Slocum Hall Auditorium
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This year’s symposium, “Stretchy Cities” features presentations by leading experts and discussion among local office-holders and the audience concerning regional urban government and a “stretched” urban landscape. The symposium will specifically examine the public conversation in the Syracuse area on developing and managing the diffuse built environment.
The “Stretchy Cities” symposium is curated by Syracuse Architecture associate professors Elizabeth Kamell and Lawrence Davis, undergraduate chair; Carol Faulkner, Maxwell School professor of history and associate dean; and Grant Reeher, director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute within the Maxwell School.
The City Scripts series is co-sponsored by Syracuse University’s School of Architecture and the Campbell Public Affairs Institute within the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and funded in part by the Collaboration for Unprecedented Success and Excellence (CUSE) grant program. For more information about this symposium, please contact Julie Sharkey, School of Architecture, at
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