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Featured Projects
Evaluating New York State's Opioid Court Treatment Enhancement Project
The Maxwell X Lab is partnering with the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, to evaluate substance abuse treatment and recovery support service systems treating individuals with opioid use disorders (OUD), participating in ten geographically diverse opioid courts in the state of New York.

Tracking the Effectiveness of Healthy Food Choice Messaging
The Maxwell X Lab tested whether marketing of healthy food choices would increase consumption of healthy foods. Syracuse University Food Services, in conjunction with the Lerner Center, implemented a series of low-cost marketing materials in a treatment cafe. In order to measure the effectiveness of this intervention, we tracked sales of three healthy items in a control and treatment cafe before and after the marketing intervention (six weeks).

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Messages Touting the Benefits of Physical Activity
Maxwell X Lab and the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion Monday Miles partnered to evaluate whether targeted messages increased physical activity in a neighborhood park.
This intervention was targeted at increasing awareness and use of the Sunnycrest Park Monday Mile by Eastwood residents. The intervention included a postal flyer, five weekly A/B tested emails, and a Facebook campaign. We measured responses to emails, pedestrian use of the Monday Mile path, and standard website analytics for Facebook.

CA$H Coalition
The Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program works with IRS-trained volunteers in local communities to offer free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. The United Way of the Greater Capital Region in New York State offers V.I.T.A. services to income-eligible residents through its CA$H Coalition program.
Maxwell X Lab helped CA$H Coaltion organizers optimize their messaging about the program by creating two sets of full and half-page flyers leveraging behaviorally informed messaging (loss aversion and endowment effect). The communications were also formatted to include unique numbers for residents to use or reference when accessing VITA sites. The purpose of the unique number was to enable tracking of which messaging was resonating most. In addition, X Lab created a Google feedback form for customers of VITA sites to use.