Hossein Bashiriyeh
Teaching Professor, Political Science Department
Senior Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies Program
- 2025 Spring
- MES/PSC 395 Democratization in the Muslim World
- MES/PSC/REL 392/362 Islamism and Islamist Movements Today
- 2024 Fall
- MES/PSC 394 History of Islamic Political Thought
- MES/PSC 393 Middle Eastern Political Systems
- 2024 Spring
- MES/PSC 395 Democratization in the Muslim World
- MES/PSC/REL 392/362 Islamism and Islamist Movements Today
Highest degree earned
Ph.D., Department of Political Theory and Institutions, University of Liverpool, 1982
Areas of Expertise
Political sociology of the Middle East
Research Interests
20th-century political thought, democratic transitions; Thomas Hobbes
Selected Publications
- Books
- Bashiriyeh, H., Reviving Political Science as Phronesis. Nay Press, 2018.
- Bashiriyeh, H., From Crisis to Breakdown: An Analysis of Political Vulnerability and Sustainability. Negahe Moaser, 2016.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Transition to Democracy: Collection of Essays. [Second Volume]. Negahe Moaser Press, 2008.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Transition to Democracy: Theoretical Issues [First Volume]. Negah-e Moaser Press, 2006.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Reason in Politics: 35 Essays on Political Philosophy and Sociology. Negah-e Moaser Press, 2003.
- Bashiriyeh, H., An Introduction to the Political Sociology of Iran: The Era of the Islamic Republic. Negah-e Moaser Press, 2002.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Lessons on Democracy for Everyone. Negah-e Moaser Press, 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Obstacles to Political Development in Iran. Gaam-e Naw Press, 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Political Science for Everyone. Negah-e Moaser Press, 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H., The State and Civil Society: Discourses in Political Sociology. Naqd-o- Nazar Press, 2000.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Twentieth-Century Theories of Culture. Ayandeh Puyan Press, 2000.
- Bashiriyeh, H., New Theories in Political Science. Novin Press, 1999.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Sociology of Modernity. Naqd-o-Nazar Press, 1999.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Civil Society and Political Development in Iran. Novin Pres, 1998.
- Bashiriyeh, H., History of Political Thought in the 20th Century [2 volumes]; vol. I, Marxist Thought; vol. II, Liberal and Conservative Thought. Nay Press, 1996.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Political Sociology: Role of Social Forces in Political Life. Nay Press, 1993.
- Bashiriyeh, H., The Kingdom of Reason. Novin Press, 1993.
- Bashiriyeh, H., Revolution and Political Mobilization. Tehran University Press, 1991.
- Bashiriyeh, H., The State and Revolution in Iran. St. Martin’s Press, 1984.
- Journal Articles
- Bashiriyeh, H., Rienner, L., "Cleavages in Iranian Politics Since 1979." In Politics and Culture in Contemporary Iran. Milani , A., Diamond , L. (eds.) , 2015.
- Bashiriyeh, H., "The Islamic Revolution Derailed." In The Iranian Revolution at 30. Calabrese , J. (ed.) Middle East Institute, 2009.
- Bashiriyeh, H., "Charismatic, Traditional and Legal Authority in Iran." Political and International Quarterly, 2003.
- Bashiriyeh, H., "Civil Society and Democratization in Iran: Khatami’s Second Term." Journal of Global Dialogue, 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H., "A Critical Examination of Reason in the Western and Islamic Philosophies." Journal of Dialogue , 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H., "From Dialectics to Dialogue: Reflections on Inter-Civilizational Relations." Journal of Global Dialogue , 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H., "Totalitarianism and Political Development in the USSR." Iranian Journal of International Affairs, 1990.
- Book Translations
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Hobbes, T., Behemoth or the Long Parliament. Nay Press, 2016.
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Vaughan, G., Behemoth Teaches Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on Political Education. Nay Press, 2016.
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Main Currents of Western Thought. Baumer, V. (ed.) Baaz Press, 2002.
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Hobbes, T., Leviathan. Nay Press, 2001.
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Dreyfus, H. and Robinow, P., Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Nay Press, 1999.
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Holub, R., Jurgen Habermas: Critic in the Public Sphere. Nay Press, 1996.
- Bashiriyeh, H. (Translator), Tuck, R., Hobbes. Tarh-e Naw Press, 1995.
- Conference Proceeding
- Bashiriyeh, H., "Society-State Relations in the Middle East: The Emergence of Civil Society." In Korea and the Middle East in a Changing World . , 1996.
Presentations and Events
Middle East Studies Association, "Political Ideology vs. Public Opinion in Iran" (November, 2006)
Center for Iranian Studies, "Crises of Ideological States: The Case of Iran" (May, 2005)
Iranian Studies Association, "Social Bases of Transition to Democracy in Iran" (June, 2003)
Center of Dialogue, "Civil Society and Democratization in Iran: Khatami’s Second Term in Office" (July, 2001)
"Crises of Ideological States: The Case of Iran" (June, 2001)