- 2024 Fall
- GEO 200 Selected Topics - Multispecies Indigeneity:EPES
- NAT 200 Selected Topics in Native American Studies - Multispecies Indigeneity: Envr
- 2024 Spring
- GEO 200 Selected Topics - Ainu Renaissance: Reclaiming
- GEO 300 Selected Topics - NativeAmerican& Indigenous Geo
- NAT 200 Selected Topics in Native American Studies - Ainu Renaissance: Reclaiming
- NAT 300 Selected Topics in Native American Studies - Native American&Indigenous Geo
- 2023 Fall
- ESP 410 Environment, Sustainability and Policy Capstone Seminar
- GEO 200 Selected Topics - Multispecies Indigeneity:EPES
- NAT 200 Selected Topics in Native American Studies - Multispecies Indigeneity: Envr
- 2023 Spring
- GEO 300 Selected Topics - NativeAmerican& Indigenous Geo
- 2022 Fall
- NAT 200 Selected Topics in Native American Studies - Multispecies Indigeneity: Envr
Highest degree earned
Areas of Expertise
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"SU Humanities Council Faculty Fellowship for Spring 2025", Sponsored by SU Humanities Center .
"Community Geography in Utqiaġvik, Alaska: Exploring Contemporary Iñupiat-Filipino Solidarity and Arctic Environmental Justice", Sponsored by SU Department of Geography & the Environment .
"Indigenous Northern Landscapes, Visual Repatriation, and Collaborative Knowledge Exchange:_Collaborative Research", Sponsored by National Science Foundation.
"Ray Smith Symposium: “Indigenous Resilience, Climate Change, and the Environmental Humanities” ", Sponsored by SU Humanities Council and College of Arts & Sciences .
Selected Publications
- Book
- Sakakibara, C., Whale Snow: Iñupiat, Climate Change, and Multispecies Resilience in Arctic Alaska (First Peoples: New Directions in Indigenous Studies Series). University of Arizona Press, 2020.
- Journal Articles
- Sakakibara, C., "All Things Sacred: Love, Resilience, and Sovereignty in Linda Infante Lyons's Alaska Native Icon Series." Journal of Indigenous Social Development , 2023.
- Sakakibara, C., "Arctic Climate Change and Indigenous Social Sustainability." Pathway to Research in Sustainability, 2022.
- Sakakibara, C., Horensky, E. and Garelick, S., "Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Humanistic Explorations of Cultural Resilience." Environmental Philosophy, 2020.
- Sakakibara, C., "People of the Whales: Climate Change and Cultural Resilience among Iñupiat of Arctic Alaska." The Geographical Review, 2017.
- Sakakibara, C., "People of the Whales and Drowning Home: Climate Change, Culture, and the Environment." Psyche and Culture, 2013.
- Sakakibara, C., "Climate Change and Cultural Survival in the Arctic: Muktuk Politics and the People of the Whales." Weather, Climate, and Society, 2011.
- Alexander, C., Bynum, N., Johnson, E., King, U., Mustonen, T., Neofotis, P., Oettlé, N., Rosenzweig, C., Sakakibara, C., Shadrin, V., Vicarelli, M., Waterhouse, J. and Weeks, B., "Linking Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge of Climate Change." BioScience, 2011.
- Book Chapters
- Sakakibara, C., Ahtuangaruak, R., "'We Are Town About Our Future’: Big Oil and Iñupiaq Community Health in Arctic Alaska." In Cold Water Oil: Imagining Offshore Petroleum Cultures. Farquharson, D., Polack, F. (eds.) Routledge, 2022.
- Sakakibara, C., "Singing for the Whales: Whaling Peoples and Shared Heritage in Arctic Alaska and the Azores." In Performing Diverse Environmentalisms: Expressive Culture at the Crux of Ecological Change. McDowell, J. (ed.) University of Illinois, 2021.
- Huntington, H., Sakakibara, C., Noongwook, G., Kanayurak, N., Skhauge, V., Zdor, E., Inutiq, S. and Lyberth, B., "Whaling in Indigenous Cultures of the Arctic." In The Bowhead Whale Balaena mysticetus: Biology and Human Interactions. George , J. C., Thewissen, J. G. (eds.) Elsevier, 2020.
- Sakakibara, C., "Climate Change, Whaling Tradition, and Cultural Survival Among the Iñupiat of Arctic Alaska." In Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation. Nakashima, D. (ed.) Cambridge University Press and UNESCO Press, 2018.
- Sakakibara, C., "Collaborative Reciprocity Revisited: Giving Back Through the Community-Partnered Iñupiaq Music Heritage Repatriation Project." In Giving Back: Research and Reciprocity in Indigenous Contexts. Herman, R. (ed.) Oregon State University Press, 2018.
- Sakakibara, C., "Northern Relations: Colonial Whaling, Climate Change, and the Inception of a Collective Identity in Northern Alaska and the Northern Atlantic." In Critical Norths: Space, Nature, Theory. Ray , S. J., Maier, K. (eds.) University of Alaska Press, 2017.
- Sakakibara, C., "Indigenous Rights." In Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence. Urbanik , J., Johnson, C. (eds.) ABC-CLIO Press, 2016.
- Book Reviews
- Sakakibara, C., Fielding, R., "The Wake of the Whale: Hunter Societies in the Caribbean and North Atlantic." American Association of Geographers (AAG) Review of Books, 2020.
- Sakakibara, C., Arnaquq-Baril, A., "Angry Inuk: Challenging Anti-Sealing Campaigns in the Arctic." Visual Anthropology Review, 2018.
- Sakakibara, C., Krupnik, I., "Early Inuit Studies." In Journal of Historical Geography. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2016.
- Sakakibara, C., Shoemaker, N., "Native American Whalemen and the World." Journal of Historical Geography, 2016.
- Sakakibara, C., Dorsey, K., "Whales and Nations: Environmental Diplomacy on the High Seas." Journal of Historical Geography, 2015.
- Sakakibara, C., Hansen, K., "Nuussuarmiut—Hunting Families on the Big Headland: Demography, Subsistence, and Material Culture in Nuussuaq, Upernavik, Northwest Greenland." Polar Record, 2010.
- Commentary
- Sakakibara, C., Petersen , K., Roak , L. and van Horne , P., "Academic Communities Benefit from Developing Relations." In OPINIONS, The Oberlin Review. , 2017.
- Community-Partnered Publications
- Hummingbird, E., Sakakibara, C., "All Things Sacred: A Retrospective View on Cotemporary Native American and Alaska Native Art and Development of Indigenous Identity." In Fifty Years of Contemporary Native American Art 1971 to 2021. Hummingbird, E. (ed.) Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI), 2021.
- Sakakibara, C., Nibutani Ainu Community, Community-Partnered Exploration of Environmental History based on Historical Photographs of Biratori-Ainu Village. Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture Press, 2019.
- Editorial
- Sakakibara, C., Petersen , K., Roak , L. and Horne , P., "Exploring Cultural Resilience on Top of the World." In The Arctic Sounder. , 2016.
- Essay
- Sakakibara, C., Ayers, H., "Iñupiaq People Ask: ‘Will We Be the Victims of the Next Oil Spill Disaster?." In Climate Storytellers: A Gathering Place for Stories on All Things Global Warming. Banerjee, S. (ed.) , 2010.
- Newspaper Article
- Sakakibara, C., "The Whale Harvest Brings Many People Together." In The Arctic Sounder. , 2005.
Presentations and Events
Community Methods in Geography Workshop Series , Syracuse Community Geography , "Visual Methods in Community Geography " (October 18, 2023)
SU Art Museum Faculty Fellow Presentations, SU Art Museum , "Multispecies Indigeneity: Environmental Philosophy, Ethics, and Survivance" (September 8, 2023)
Sakakibara, C., Lane , M., Beymer-Farris , B., Colten, C., Human Coast Panel Discussion, Louisiana State University, Department of Geography & Anthropology, "Our Home is Drowning: Climate Change and Indigenous Resilience in Arctic Alaska" (September 30, 2022)
Language, Indigenous Knowledge, and Cultural Landscapes of the Ainu: Perspectives from Nibutani, Hokkaidō, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Berkeley, "'Indigenous Rights and the Importance of Ainu Language Education' by Shirō Kayano (Kayano Shigeru Nibutani Ainu Museum)" (March 4, 2022)
de Beaumont Foundation, "Climate Change and Multispecies Resilience in Arctic Alaska" (2021)
Sophia University, "Cultural Revitalization and Artmaking in Contemporary Native North America" (2021)
Visual Learning Workshop with the Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) and Yale University Art Gallery (2021)
Department of Anthropology Fall Visiting Lecture Program, University of Tennessee Knoxville, "Singing for the Whales: Climate Change and Cultural Resilience Among the Iñupiat of Arctic Alaska" (2020)
Osher Lifeling Learning Institute, "Whale Snow: Iñupiat, Climate Change, and Multispecies Resilience in Arctic Alaska" (2020)
Department of Anthropology Fall Visiting Lecture Program, University of Tennessee Knoxville, "Whales and Wellbeing: Climate Change in Arctic Alaska" (2020)
Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) Colloquium, Oberlin College, "Ainu Renaissance: Reclaiming the History, Heritage, and Environment in Indigenous Japan" (2019)
Art18 Conference, Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, "Exploration of Community-Partnered Knowledge Production on Historical Ainu Photographs" (2019)
Honors and Accolades
SU Humanities Center Faculty Fellow for Spring 2025, SU Humanities Center (January, 2025 - June, 2025)
AAG Meridian Book Award for Whale Snow ($1,000) (2021)
Andrew Delaney Fellowship in Social Sciences, Oberlin College (2018 - 2019)
Visiting Faculty Fellowship ($30,000), Associated Kyoto Program (2018 - 2019)
Best Conference Paper Award, Conference on Intangible Heritage, Barcelos, Portugal (2017)