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William Oliver

William Oliver

(Pronouns: He, Him)

Contact Information:

William Oliver

Assistant Teaching Professor, Sociology Department


  • 2024 Summer
    • SOC 318 Introduction to Research
  • 2024 Spring
    • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
    • MAX 201 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences
    • SOC 102 Social Problems
  • 2023 Fall
    • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
    • SOC/WGS 319/317 Qualitative Methods in Sociology
    • MAX 201 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences
    • SOC 102 Social Problems
  • 2023 Summer
    • SOC 318 Introduction to Research
  • 2023 Spring
    • SOC 318 Introduction to Research
    • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
    • SOC 102 Social Problems
  • 2022 Fall
    • SOC 318 Introduction to Research
    • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
    • SOC 495 Senior Thesis
    • SOC/WGS 281 Sociology of Families
  • 2022 Spring
    • SOC 318 Introduction to Research
    • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
    • SOC 102 Social Problems

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2020

Research Interests

Work and Families, Organizations and Institutions, Gender, Militarization

Selected Publications

  • Journal Article
    • A., L., J., W., Oliver, W. J. and J., H., The influence of military service experiences on current and daily drinking among veteran men, Substance Use & Misuse. , 2019.
  • Book Chapter
    • J., W., A., L. and Oliver, W. J., "Military Service Experiences and Older Men’s Trajectories of Self-Rated Health." In Long-Term Outcomes of Military Service. III, A. S., Settersten, Jr., R. A. and Aldwin , C. (eds.) American Psychological Association, 2018.
  • Dissertation
    • Oliver, W. J., Making Military Wives: Militarizing Social Reproduction of Military Families. , 2020.
  • Professional Report
    • Andrew, L., Wilmoth, J. and Oliver, W. J., The Effects of Military Service on the Financial Capabilities of Veterans and Active Duty Personnel. Report prepared for JPMC, 2015.

Presentations and Events

Colloquium: “Population and Place, Syracuse University Department of Sociology, "Resisting instability: Readiness in the military family" (2018)

American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting, "The military’s organization of work: Producing class conflict over collective action among military family communities" (2018)

Eastern Sociological Society’s Annual Meeting, "Considering issues of gender, interpretation, and representation: Methodological reflections of a man interviewing women" (2017)

Work, Labor, and Citizenship mini-conference, Maxwell School’s 10th Decade Project, "“Happy soldier, happy family:” Exploring militarized relations of production and conflict among military wives" (2017)

Eastern Sociological Society's Annual Meeting, "Pedagogy: Classroom Activities" (2014)

Honors and Accolades

All-University Dissertation Doctoral Award, Syracuse University (2020 - 2020)

Dissertation Fellowship, Syracuse University, Department of Sociology (2018 - 2019)

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Syracuse University (2017)

Graduate Fellowship, Syracuse University (2009 - 2013)