Central New York SUcess in the City
211 W. Jefferson St. Syracuse, NY
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Join us for a Networking Event in Central New York Join fellow Syracuse alumni, members of the Alumni Club of CNY, and recent SU grads at SUccess In The City: Central New York. This event offers a fantastic opportunity to meet and network with other alumni in a wide variety of career fields as well as to hear about the benefits of belonging to the SU Alumni Club of CNY. Whether you are looking for a job or making a career transition, we are confident you will find the event worth your time. If you are established in your career and willing to participate as an alumni advisor, we would appreciate your assistance and ask that you register at this link. The success of this program depends on our alumni willing to serve as advisors and/or review resumes and we sincerely thank you! SUccess in the City: Central New York Wednesday, May 2, 2012 6–8:30 p.m. Eric Mower and Associates Armory Square, 211 W. Jefferson St. Syracuse, NY Free parking in EMA's lot or on the street Get to know other SU alumni working in many industries—advertising, public relations, finance, healthcare management, and government, just to name a few. Resume reviews will be offered for anyone who's interested. Suggested attire is business casual. Light refreshments will be served. Register for this FREE event now! Questions? E-mail Tina Casella, Alumni Relations, at cscasell@syr.edu http://www.alumniconnections.com/links/link.cgi?l=3139005&h=105785&e=SYR-20120419105332 Brought to you by the Office of Alumni Relations, Career Services, and the Alumni Club of CNY. Sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual Insurance.
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