Language, Identity and Education in South Asia
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs and Cornell University
South Asia Center presents
Christina Davis
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Western Illinois University
Chaise LaDousa
Professor of Anthropology, Hamilton College
Language, Identity and Education in South Asia
In both the United States and South Asia, it is clear that the language of instruction and positive educational outcomes are inextricably linked. In both countries, many languages are spoken and differences between languages spoken at home and at school can become a burden for some students. However, school systems rarely consider the ways that students themselves reflect on these dynamics.
Davis and LaDousa will draw on interviews conducted at a prestigious institute of higher education in India to show how students relate language to their home life, transition to school, and future career ambitions. Students talk about links between language and social identity through the concept of “mother tongue” – literally, the tongue of one’s mother to whom one has an absolute bond. By taking seriously students’ own reflections on language and identity, teachers and administrators might better understand what challenges their students face as they seek educational opportunities.
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