The Elections of Others
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Sovereignty, Order and Conflict presents
The Elections of Others
Partisan electoral interventions (or election interference) in U.S. elections have become a common topic of discussion in the U.S. since the discovery of the Russian intervention of this kind in the 2016 U.S. elections. However, there has been far less discussion of American meddling of this kind around the world. This is despite its great frequency prior to 2016- and multiple post-2016 calls by members of the U.S. foreign policy community for the U.S. to conduct such interference in various countries with relatively competitive elections. This paper, using a new set of surveys recently conducted in the U.S., accordingly will try to analyze one key factor U.S. decision-makers need to take into account in this regard- the views of the American public about the conduct of election interference by the U.S..
Paul Musgrave
Paul Musgrave is assistant professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He studies U.S. foreign policy, international relations theory, and how oil and politics mix. His research has appeared in International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Security Studies, Presidential Studies Quarterly, and Comparative Political Studies, and he has written for The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, and other outlets. He holds a Ph.D. in Government with a focus on International Relations from Georgetown University. Before graduate school, he worked at the federal, nonpartisan Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum.
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