ASPI Grad Lab
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The ASPI Grad Lab – an idea we are borrowing from the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion – is designed to create opportunities for graduate students with interests in autonomous systems/artificial intelligence to come together, share and get feedback on their work, and engage across disciplines. It’s open to all SU graduate students with interests in autonomous systems/artificial intelligence.
The ASPI Grad Lab will meet monthly (virtually) for the remainder of this academic year on the following dates (all Tuesdays, at 3:00 pm):
November 9th, 2021
December 7th, 2021
January 18th, 2022
February 8th, 2022
March 8th, 2022
April 5th, 2022
Grads interested in participating can email us at
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Passcode: 241781
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Meeting ID: 998 4988 6598
Passcode: 241781
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