Effects of Income on Infant Health: Evidence from the Expanded Child Tax Credit and Stimulus Checks
Eggers Hall, 060
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Robert Kaestner, University of Chicago, will present "Effects of Income on Infant Health: Evidence from the Expanded Child Tax Credit and Pandemic Stimulus Checks" as part of the CPR Seminar Series.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government issued stimulus checks and expanded the child tax credit. These payments varied by marital status and the number of children in the household. We exploit this plausibly exogenous variation in income during pregnancy to obtain estimates of the effect income on infant health. Data are from birth certificates and the sample focuses on mothers with high school or less education. Estimates indicate that these pandemic cash payments had no statistically significant, or clinically or economically meaningful effects on infant health (birth weight, gestational age, and fetal growth outcomes).
Social Science and Public Policy
Lectures and Seminars
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Students, Graduate and Professional
MAX-Center for Policy Research
Contact Alyssa Kirk to request accommodations