Listen to the Elders: Haudenosaunee Principles of Peace and Democracy
6680 Onondaga Lake Pkwy Liverpool, New York
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Turtle Clan Mother Whatwehni:neh, Freida Jacques, is a respected leader of the Onondaga Nation and within the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. She has served the Turtle Clan for over 40 years.
Freida’s decades of work as a Haudenosaunee cultural liaison within educational institutions across New York State inspired her many published works and an extensive list of public speaking engagements nationwide. In her retirement, Freida continues to help educate audiences about the Haudenosaunee Confederacy: the oldest living government founded upon the principles of Peace and Democracy.
Join Freida for a tour of the The Skä•noñh Center and listen to her message for the next generation. Light refreshments will be provided. Transport to and from campus is available. Please register for this event.
This event is generously sponsored by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, the Departments of Anthropology, English, History and Religion; as well as the Native Student Program, the Barnes Center at The Arch, Hendricks Chapel and the Anthropology Graduate Student Organization.
Diversity and Inclusion
Greater Syracuse
Open to
Students, Graduate and Professional
Students, Prospective
Students, Undergraduate
Contact Heather Law Pezzarossi to request accommodations