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Renewing Democratic Community: Disability Rights and Citizenship in the Modern Civil Rights Era

Eggers Hall, 220

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The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs will welcome an accomplished panel featuring Brian McLane ’68, Professor Arlene Kanter, Yohannes Takele Zewale, Professor Beth Myers and Director Paula Possenti-Perez. The panelists will take the stage with Chris Faricy, associate professor of political science and the inaugural Hicker Family Professor in Renewing Democratic Community. 

Our understanding of citizenship can be transformed when viewed through the perspective of people with disabilities. How do disability rights fit into the modern human rights framework? Have universities become more accessible and if so for whom? Are disabled students fully included in higher education’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts? And how do disability rights in New York state and the United States compare to other countries? Please join us for an important conversation about how promoting disability rights moves us closer to realizing the promise of full citizenship in democracies here and around the world.

This event is part of a series of discussions hosted by the Hicker Family Professor in Renewing Democratic Community to promote civil discourse and mutual understanding. Please watch the Maxwell calendar for more events in November and February. 

Livestream Link: Renewing Democratic Community Discussion Series (

This is a private event for the Syracuse University community: students, faculty and staff. CART and interpretation services will be available. There is also a reserved section for wheelchair seating. For questions or additional accommodations, please contact Morgan Bicknell,


Diversity and Inclusion





Open to



Students, Graduate and Professional

Students, Undergraduate




MAX-Dean’s Office


Morgan Bicknell


Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART)

American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation

Contact Morgan Bicknell to request additional accommodations