Maxwell School Events Calendar
Lectures and Seminars Events
The Long-run Effect of Air Pollution on Survival
Julian Reif, associate professor of finance and economics at the University of Illinois, will present "The Long-run Effect of Air Pollution on Survival."
Keynote: Eurasia Unbound? Reflections on Empire, Geopolitics and Citizenship
Maxwell Hall, Auditorium
The Maxwell School is hosting the 2024 CESS Fall Conference, themed "Citizenship Unbound: Central Eurasia in a Changing World" with alumna Bhavna Davé presenting the keynote lecture.
Outreach: Afghanistan in the Classroom
This virtual workshop provides approaches and tools for elementary school educators to introduce Afghanistan into their curriculum and provide a nuanced view of the people and culture.
36th Annual Herbert Lourie Memorial Lecture on Health Policy
Eggers Hall, 220
Eric Klinenberg, Helen Gould Shepard Professor in the Social Sciences and director of the Institute for Public Knowledge at New York University, will present at the 2024 Lourie Lecture.
CPR Seminar Series: Graduate Student Presentations
Eggers Hall, 060
CPR Graduate Students will present as part of the CPR Seminar Series.
CAPS Seminar: Mateo Farina
Mateo Farina, assistant professor at the University of Texas Austin, will present "Early Life Origins of Cognitive and Biological Aging."
Geography and the Environment- Donald Meinig Lecture
Eggers Hall, 220, The Strasser Legacy Room
Cynthia Brewer, professor of geography at Penn State University, will present "Making Beautiful Maps Using GIS Tools."
The Right to Property and Economic Development in India
Eggers Hall, 341
The Sawyer Law and Politics Program will host Dr. Namita Wahi, a senior fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, and founding director of the Land Rights Initiative.
CMC Presents Cross-Cultural Communication
Maxwell Hall, 204
This workshop will help you develop skills to foster better communication across cultural differences.
Taking Tutoring to Scale in Metro Nashville Public Schools: A Multi-Year Analysis
Eggers Hall, 060
Matthew Kraft, associate professor of education and economics at Brown University, presented at the 2024 Jerry Miner Lecture.
Conversations in Conflict Studies Presents Anjuli Fahlberg
Eggers Hall, 151
"Non-Violent Organizing in the Midst of Repression: Learning from Activism in Rio de Janeiro’s Gang Territories" with Anjuli Fahlberg.
Africa, African Diasporas and the Caribbean: Archaeology and Heritage Studies (Day 2)
Hall of Languages, 107
The Anthropology Department will bring together students, alumni and invited speakers to recognize the contributions of Professor Emeritus Douglas V. Armstrong.
Africa, African Diasporas and the Caribbean: Archaeology and Heritage Studies (Day 1)
Eggers Hall, 220, The Strasser Legacy Room
The Anthropology Department will bring together students, alumni and invited speakers to recognize the contributions of Professor Emeritus Douglas V. Armstrong.
Double and Multiple Responsibilities of Care: Current Issues Based on the Latest Survey
The East Asia Program within the Moynihan Institute presents a virtual talk with Professor Naoko Soma from Yokohama National University in Japan.
Otey Scruggs Memorial Lecture Featuring Jennifer V. Evans
Eggers Hall, 220
Jennifer Evans, professor of history at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, will present "Illiberal Memory and Transatlantic Hate Networks in the Twentieth- and Twenty-First Centuries"
CAPS Seminar: Yu-Chu Shen
Yu-Chu Shen, professor of economics, Naval Postgraduate School, will present, "Does Exposure to Newly Certified Stroke Centers Affect all Communities Equally."
Paul Volcker Lecture in Behavioral Economics
Eggers Hall, Strasser Legacy Room, 220 Eggers Hall
Sendhil Mullainathan (Chicago Booth) will present the ninth annual Paul Volcker Lecture in Behavioral Economics.
Nationalism, Authoritarianism and War: Are We Progressing Into the Past?
Eggers Hall, 220
The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the Center for European Studies are proud to host H.E. Bjørn Berge, deputy secretary general of the Council of Europe, for a lecture.
Democracy, Authoritarianism and Nationalism: India in Comparative Perspective
Maxwell Hall, Maxwell Auditorium
The State of Democracy Lecture Series welcomes Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Laurence S. Rockefeller Visiting Professor for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton University.
ASI Seminar: Faculty Flash Talks
Lyman Hall, 314
Join us as ASI faculty affiliates, discuss an array of topics.