Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Bloomberg
Lovely discusses trade war, tariffs on Mexico with Agence France-Presse, Bloomberg, NY Times
"This is really going to hurt American businesses who use Mexico to reduce their costs and stay competitive," Mary Lovely, professor of economics, told Bloomberg after President Trump announced that all products from Mexico will be hit with 25 percent tariffs.
See related: Economic Policy, Latin America & the Caribbean, Trade, United States
Banks speaks with Bloomberg about AG Barr's feud with Democrats
See related: Federal, Law, Political Parties, United States
Lovely discusses US-China trade, tariffs on Bloomberg, CGTN
"It’ll hit the pocketbooks of the working class hard," Professor Mary Lovely said about Trump's recent trade-war threat to increase tariffs.
See related: China, Economic Policy, Trade, United States
Lovely discusses President Xi Jinping's visit to France on Bloomberg
According to Mary Lovely, professor of economics, China's leadership is "looking for friends everywhere." And with France being an important player in Europe, "they're also looking to continue to diversify their portfolio in terms of where they do business and how they do business," she says.
See related: China, Europe, International Affairs
Faricy weighs in on Democratic tax proposals in Bloomberg
Democratic tax proposals are simply a "stealth attack" on the preferential rate for capital gains, says Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science.
Faricy comments on tax cuts, refunds in Bloomberg
Chris Faricy, associate professor of political science, says "You can tell people you gave them a tax cut, but if they don’t believe it and their refunds are smaller, it’s a hard sell politically," in an article for Bloomberg.
Lovely discusses economy, trade war with Bloomberg, NPR, Washington Post
Mary Lovely, professor of economics, notes that some Chinese goods have no alternative sourcing, and even when workarounds from other countries are available, they are often not perfect substitutes and lead to higher pricing for U.S. companies.
Banks discusses mail bombs, law enforcement efforts on Bloomberg Law
"It does look like it was not a terribly sophisticated campaign or attack," says Professor Emeritus William Banks about high profile democrats, public figures, and the CNN newsroom in New York receiving apparent explosive devices. "On the other hand, the packages did manage to get through the postal system without getting detected, so it is certainly a worrisome case."
Lovely quoted in Bloomberg article on China, Trump's tariffs
Banks discusses Mueller investigation, midterm elections on Bloomberg
William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, says "There are no Justice Department rules that limit the investigation in the pendency of an election. Mr. Mueller is simply going about his day and lugging the law and facts to where they need to go."