Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Bloomberg
Banks weighs in on secret filings in Manafort case on Bloomberg
Banks discusses Nunes memo with Bloomberg, The Hill, CNY Central
William C. Banks, professor emeritus, of public administration and international affairs, spoke with several media outlets about the Nunes memo, how the FISA process works, and what the controversy means for the Trump presidency and the U.S. intelligence community.
Banks updates Bloomberg on Jeff Sessions meeting with Robert Mueller
William C. Banks, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs says, "Trump has already said certain things that support at least a serious inquiry into whether obstruction has been committed. Whether [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions tries to stonewall with the privilege claims or some other, the facts are going to be discovered by the Mueller team in the not-too-distant future."
Banks discusses passage of FISA extension on Bloomberg Radio
Banks speaks with Bloomberg Radio about the FISA extension
William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, discusses the House’s passage of an extension to the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Act.
Banks analyzes Republican complaints against FBI on Bloomberg Radio
"It is fair to wonder about the [Christopher] Steele dossier and how it came into the hands of our intelligence community," said William Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs. "The bottom line, however, is that whatever role this dossier has played, our intelligence community had other sources that would have led them to the information about the Russian interference in the election even if Steele had never tried to share his dossier with the United States."
Banks discusses controversial FISA program on Bloomberg Radio
Banks discusses enemy combatant detentions on Bloomberg Radio
Banks discusses new phase of Mueller investigation on Bloomberg Radio