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Filtered by: VICE

Bhan Discusses the Himalayan Community of Brogpa in VICE Article

Mona Bhan, associate professor of anthropology and Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, was quoted in the VICE article, "This ‘Aryan’ Community’s ‘Exotic’ Clothes and Polyamorous Marriages Mask Other Truths."

May 5, 2022

Monnat discusses increase in overdoses during the pandemic in VICE

"At its core, I think addiction is about a need for connection," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "My research shows that work, family and community are the three most important factors for understanding why drug overdose rates are higher in some places than others. Work, family and community are the three arenas where we derive meaning and purpose from our lives. If we don’t have those connections, we might seek it out elsewhere, for example with drugs."
February 22, 2021

Monnat reacts to Amazon tracking opioid use in VICE article

"This is news to me, and it's disturbing," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "I asked around to other drug experts I know, and none of them knew this was happening. I am a bit shocked but shouldn't be. Corporations increasingly have access to a litany of data and know more about us than anyone else."

October 5, 2020

See related: Opioids, United States

Barkun cited in VICE articles on conspiracy theories

According to Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science, three core principles characterize most conspiracy theories. First, the belief that nothing happens by accident or coincidence. Secondly, that nothing is as it seems: The "appearance of innocence" is to be suspected. Finally, the belief that everything is connected through a hidden pattern.

July 20, 2020

Huber quoted in Motherboard article on tech advances, climate change

"I think we actually do need a fair amount of innovation," says Matthew Huber, associate professor of geography. "But I think in our current society, innovation is narrowly guided by what is profitable. That’s the problem," says Huber, "We only ask what innovations are going to make private investors money." Huber was interviewed for the Motherboard article "Lab-Grown Meat Can't Fix the Planet That Capitalism Broke." 03/01/19
March 1, 2019

See related: Climate Change

Huber speaks to Motherboard about the Yellow Vest protests in France

"The people who are resistant to climate policies on the right constantly argue that the reasons we can’t do climate policies is it’s gonna cost the economy, and it’s gonna cost families, and it’s gonna cost everyday people," says Matt Huber, associate professor of geography. "So when we propose these policies that have the words ‘taxes’ in them and ‘fees,’ and talk about internalizing costs into the market, we just fall into that right wing trap that argues that that’s exactly what we’re trying to do." Read more in the Motherboard article "The Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Show the Flaws of Capitalism." 12/17/18
December 17, 2018

See related: Climate Change

Huber speaks with VICE about the Green New Deal

"History shows that, especially with our country being the richest and having the most wealth and resources to deploy, we can do massive transformational things," says Matt Huber, associate professor of geography, about the Green New Deal.

December 7, 2018

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