Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Grant Awards
Heflin codirects project funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
See related: Grant Awards
Hromadžić wins Title VIII grant for research in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Azra Hromadžić, an associate professor of anthropology and O’Hanley Faculty Scholar, has been awarded $8,000 through a Title VIII Scholars appointment by the American Councils for International Education. The award will go towards Hromadžić's research into riverine citizenship, political imagination, and the struggle for water in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina.
See related: Europe, Grant Awards
Maxwell team wins grant from Department of Justice for opioid study
A group comprised of four researchers — representing the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and the Maxwell X Lab — will receive approximately $500,000 over three years in support of their research on different opioid court treatment interventions across New York State.
See related: Grant Awards, Opioids
Armstrong and collaborators author paper, win grant for excavation
See related: Grant Awards, Latin America & the Caribbean
Sociologists Montez and Monnat earn NIH grants
See related: Grant Awards, Longevity, U.S. Health Policy
Siddiki projects awarded NSF and USDA funding
Saba Siddiki, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, has been awarded two grants for projects beginning this fall. One will support the work of the Institutional Grammar Research Initiative and the other is for project work on urban food action plans to advance human well-being and health, environment, and equity goals.
See related: Environment, Food Security, Grant Awards, United States, Urban Issues
Tenth Decade Fund supports new scholarly projects
The Maxwell School’s Tenth Decade Project provides seed funding for worthy scholarly projects that have the potential to produce significant external research funding and high-impact publications. Since it was created, the Tenth Decade Project has attracted nearly $850,000 in gifts from 267 individual donors, including a lead gift from long-time Maxwell supporters Gerry and Daphna Cramer.
See related: Giving, Grant Awards
SU named a US Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence
Established in 2005 by Congress, the IC CAE program is designed to increase the number of culturally and ethnically diverse, multi-disciplinary professionals in the intelligence community. The program "will leverage contributions from virtually all the schools and colleges at Syracuse University, and provide additional career opportunities for our students,” says Vice Admiral Robert Murrett (retired), professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.
See related: Grant Awards, National Security, New York State, U.S. Education
Champion awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant to Russia
See related: Grant Awards, Russia
Elise Roberts awarded grant from the Smith Richardson Foundation
Roberts is a Ph.D. candidate in political science who focuses on comparative politics and international relations. The Foundation is supporting her dissertation research, which examines the effect of foreign aid in post-conflict states and the processes of conflict relapse, as part of their mission to support scholars and organizations that promote international security and domestic public policy.
See related: Grant Awards, International Affairs, National Security, Student Experience