Anthropology: A Global Perspective, 9th Edition
Christopher DeCorse
Sage Publications, December 2020

"Anthropology: A Global Perspective" introduces students to the subfields of anthropology—biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, cultural anthropology, and applied anthropology.
Integrating material from each subfield, this comprehensive text is founded on four essential themes: the diversity of human societies; the similarities that tie all humans together; the interconnections between the sciences and humanities; and a new theme addressing psychological essentialism.
Authors Raymond Scupin and Christopher R. DeCorse demonstrate how anthropologists use research techniques and methods to help solve practical problems and show students how anthropology is relevant to improving human societies.
This supportive textbook is grounded in the belief that an enhanced global awareness is essential for people preparing to take their place in the fast-paced, interconnected world of the twenty-first century.
The extensively revised Ninth Edition includes a new chapter on gender and sexuality, features a dramatically new look with new photos and figures, and has been updated to reflect the most recent findings in the field.