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Disagreement in the public interest
Immigration Debate
February 5, 2020. College Democrats vs. College Republicans. Topics include U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, family separation and policy solutions.
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance

Proposition: This House Would Establish a Metropolitan Form of Government for Onondaga County
April 12, 2017. Arguing in favor of the proposition were two members of the Consensus Commission: James Walsh, Government Affairs Counselor, K&L Gates LLP, former Member of Congress [R-NY-25]; and William Byrne, Chairman of the Board of Byrne Dairy.
Arguing against the proposition were Stephanie Miner, Mayor of the City of Syracuse, and Robert Antonacci, Onondaga County Comptroller.
Voter Results
Pre-debate: 108 for; 98 against; 9 undecided
Post-debate: 85 for; 127 against; 1 undecided
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance
Proposition: This Assembly Supports a Campus-Wide Ban on Tobacco
January 23, 2014. Arguing in favor of the proposition were Cliff Douglas, director of the University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network, and Duane Ford, former vice president of the Syracuse University Student Association.
Arguing against the proposition were Senator John DeFrancisco, New York State Senator and chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and Alexandra Curtis, former president of the Syracuse University Student Association.
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance

Proposition: This Assembly Supports the State Casino Referendum
October 16, 2013. Arguing in favor of the proposition were Marc Baez, Citizens for NYS Gaming, Inc., and Ken Pokalsky, vice president of government affairs for The Business Council of New York, Inc.
Arguing against the proposition were David Blankenhorn, president of Institute for American Values, and Stephen Shafer, chairman for the Coalition Against Gambling in New York.
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance
Proposition: This Assembly Believes the Current System of Campaign Finance Is Broken
April 18, 2013. Arguing in favor of the proposition were Marc Elias, partner at Perkins Coie and former general counsel for multiple campaigns, and David Mason, senior vice president of Aristotle and former commissioner and chair of the Federal Election Commission.
Arguing against the proposition were Robert Edgar, president of Common Cause and former Member of Congress (D-Pa), and Benjamin Barr, counsel for Wyoming Liberty Group and in Carey v. FEC and Free Speech v. FEC.
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance
Proposition: This Assembly Supports the New York Safe Act
April 5, 2013. Arguing in favor of the proposition were Leah Gunn Barrett, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, and Robert Spitzer, Distinguished Service Professor at the State University of New York - Cortland and panelist on WCNY-TV The Ivory Tower.
Arguing against the proposition were Will Barclay, New York State Assemblyman, and John Lott, political commentator and author.
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance
Proposition: This Assembly Believes Hydrofracking Does More Harm Than Good
November 30, 2012. Arguing in favor of the proposition were Paul Gallay, president of Hudson Riverkeeper, and Robert Howarth, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Cornell University.
Arguing against the proposition were Tim Whitesell, supervisor for the Town of Binghamton and president of the, New York Association of Towns, and Ed Hinchey, professional deologist and independent consultant.
A Campbell Debate
A public forum for considering questions of national, regional or local significance