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Giovanni Sartori Book Award

This award honors Giovanni Sartori's work on qualitative methods and concept formation, and especially his contribution to helping scholars think about problems of context as they refine concepts and apply them to new spatial and temporal settings. This award may be granted to a single-authored or multi-authored book, or to an edited volume. The Sartori award will be given to works published in the calendar year prior to the year of the APSA meeting at which the award is presented, i.e. for the 2023 award to materials published in 2022.  The copyright date of the book will establish the relevant year. One copy of the nominated work should be sent to each of the three committee members by January 31. Please contact the section's Secretary-Treasurer, Tasha Fairfield at to request their mailing addresses. Click here to access a full list of previous  Giovanni Sartori Book Award recipients.

Alexander L. George Article Award.

This award honors Alexander George's contributions to the comparative case-study method, including his work linking that method to a systematic concern with research design, and his contribution of developing the idea and the practice of process tracing. This award may be granted to a journal article or to a chapter in an edited volume that stands on its own as an article.  The George award will be given to works published in the calendar year prior to the year of the APSA meeting at which the award is presented, i.e. for the 2023 award to materials published in 2022. In determining the date of an article publication, authors may choose either the date the article was first electronically published or the date of the formal journal citation (but not both).  In determining the date of a book chapter publication, the copyright date of the book will establish the relevant year. A pdf file of the nominated article/chapter should be emailed to  by January 31. Click here to access a full list of  Alexander L. George Article Award recipients.

Kendra Koivu Paper Award

This award honors the scholarly legacy and contributions of Kendra Koivu, who published important works on process tracing, case selection, and other qualitative fields, and who provided valuable service to the section. This award is given to a paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Please note that to be eligible for consideration, the paper must be the version that was presented at the 2022 APSA annual meeting, not a subsequent iteration. A pdf file of the nominated APSA paper should be emailed to  by January 31. Click here to access a full list of  award recipients.

David Collier Mid-Career Achievement Award

The Award honors David Collier's contributions-through his research, graduate teaching, and institution-building-as a founder of the qualitative and multi-method research movement in contemporary political science. The award will be presented annually to a mid-career political scientist to recognize distinction in methodological publications, innovative application of qualitative and multi-method approaches in substantive research, and/or institutional contributions to this area of methodology. To be eligible for the mid-career award, nominees must have defended their dissertation within fifteen years of the beginning of the year in which the award is presented. For the 2023 award, nominees must have defended their dissertation in or later than 2008.

Please send nominations by January 31, 2023, via email to Alan Jacobs (, the President of the APSA Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research. Each nomination must include a cover letter summarizing specific merits of the candidate (not merely generic praise), as well as an up-to-date curriculum vitae of the nominee, including the date of the doctoral degree. Self-nominations are welcome. Click here to access a full list of  David Collier Mid-Career Achievement Award recipients 

Citations to previous awards can also be found in the Fall issues of the Section's publication.

Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry
346 Eggers Hall