CANCELED: Visit Rural Lanka: Re-Making Home on Shifting Sands
341 Eggers Hall
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
South Asia Center presents
Elizabeth Bittel
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
SUNY Cortland
Visit Rural Lanka: Re-Making Home on Shifting Sands
Dr. Bittel explores the multidimensional processes at play in complex humanitarian emergencies that produce disparate long-term recovery outcomes in Sri Lankan communities as they recover(ed) from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and Sri Lanka civil war. This talk focuses specifically on the rapid rise of the tourism economy in Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province, to interrogate how recovery and tourism development co-occur and highlight the implications for socio-cultural structures as communities work to integrate tourism into already vulnerable social systems.
For more information or to request accessibility arrangements, please contact Emera Bridger Wilson,
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