In the News: Claire Pendergrast
Perceived impacts of COVID-19 on wellbeing among US working-age adults with ADL difficulty
See related: COVID-19, Health Policy, Mental Health
COVID Negatively Impacted Health & Social Relationships among Working-Age Adults with Disabilities
Social Infrastructure (“Third Places”) is Not Distributed Equally Across the U.S.
This data slice shows that third places are not evenly distributed across the U.S.
COVID-19 Deaths Soared among U.S. Whites in 2021
While people of color have borne the brunt of lives lost throughout the pandemic, the growth in White deaths from COVID-19 outpaced deaths among other racial/ethnic groups in 2021.
Most Home-Delivered Meal Recipients with Dementia Receive Support from Friends and Family
This research brief shows that home-delivered meal recipients with dementia receive significant support from friends and family, but 83% would like more social activity.
Aging and Disability Services are Unequally Distributed Across the United States
As the U.S. population ages, demand for aging and disability services will increase, but 15% of U.S. counties have no aging and disability services organizations.
Fitness & Active Transportation Orgs Support Community Recovery & Physical Activity post Disasters
Fitness, parks, and active transportation organizations’ trusted relationships, large organizational networks, and health promotion expertise enables them to support disaster recovery efforts and community health after disasters.
Latinos Report Higher Rates of Cognitive Impairment than whites, Rates Vary in Latino Subgroups
Among older adults, U.S. Latinos have higher rates of cognitive impairment than U.S.-born whites.
Tracking COVID’s Toll
Pandemic research by Maxwell faculty and students is shaping policy and perception on everything from aging to opioid addiction.
See related: COVID-19, Food Security, Mental Health, Parenting & Family, United States
COVID-19 Has Had Devastating Economic Impacts on Older Black and Latinx Adults
This research brief shows that in the first year of the pandemic, older Black and Latinx adults experienced greater negative economic impacts than older white adults.
Women Report Worse Employment Impacts from Family Caregiving
Families struggling to balance caregiving and paid employment face emotional, social, and financial stress, with especially severe negative impacts for women.
Older Adult Vaccination Rates Lag in Rural Areas and the South
This brief examines geographic trends in COVID-19 vaccination rates for adults age 65+.
Pendergrast article on supporting older adults during COVID-19 published in JAG
See related: COVID-19, Student Experience
States Enroll Racial Ethnic Minority Older Adults in Community Based Aging Services Gaps Remain
This research brief estimates state-level differences in the effectiveness of OAA-funded programs in enrolling racial-ethnic minority older adults.
Area Agencies on Aging Provide Crucial Support for Older New Yorkers During COVID-19
This research brief discusses how Area Agencies on Aging are providing crucial support for older NewYorkers during COVID-19.
Health is Political: Public Health Practitioners and Researchers Should be Trained Accordingly
Policy has long been considered a core element of public health practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that public health practice and research exist within a political context that cannot be ignored.
Aging-in-Place Organizations are Key to Building Disaster Resilience for Older Adults
COVID-19 has tragically demonstrated the serious threat that pandemics and other disasters pose to older adults’ health, safety, and well-being. What role can senior centers and senior villages play in protecting older adults’ health and building their resilience during COVID-19 and other disasters?
Tips for Communicating with Older Adults about COVID-19
This brief describes strategies on how to effectively communicate with this population while keeping their comfort and safety in mind.
NYS’s Older Adults in Assisted Living Facilities Need All of Us to Help Them Avoid the Coronavirus
This data slice aims to advocate for the health and safety of older adults and features an interactive map showing the saturation of assisted living facilities in New York State.
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