Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Education
Commencement Speaker Mary C. Daly G’94 bloomed at Syracuse University
“These graduates are our future. I’m at this point in my career where I’m thinking about what these graduates are going to accomplish. If I can have even the smallest influence on how they think of themselves and how proud and hopeful we are of them, that’s the honor of being the Commencement speaker,” says Maxwell alumna Mary C. Daly G’94.
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Maxwell events in India reinforce decades-long relationships
“What is clear from conversation with our alumni and fellow scholars is that public administration—as a field of practice and academic study—in nations around the world is in a time of revolutions, and that it is going to take a cadre of well-trained, committed people to help us deal with the challenges of the 21st century,” said Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration.
Veterans in Politics initiative featured in Wash Times, ConnectingVets
The new Veterans in Politics program is designed to help veterans and military family members who aspire to public office or another form of a political career.
See related: Education, Government, State & Local, Student Experience, United States, Veterans
Bifulco, Schwegman research accountability‐driven school closures
See related: Education
Lux, Armstrong discuss new Veterans in Politics program on WSYR
Steve Lux, director of Executive Education, and Maxwell alumnus Nick Armstrong '08 M.P.A./'14 Ph.D. (SSc), IVMF senior director of research and policy, claim the new program will help veterans and military family members who aspire to public office or another form of a political career.
See related: Education, Government, State & Local, Student Experience, United States, Veterans
SU, JPMorgan Chase collaboration opens path to political careers for veterans
See related: Centennial, Education, Government, School History, State & Local, United States, Veterans
Karas Montez study on educational disparities, mortality published
Lutz article on affirmative action and collegiate outcomes published in Jour of Law & Social Policy
See related: Education
Lutz, Ma study on differences in the STEM pipeline published in Research in the Sociology of Edu
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Evensky writes about success in college on
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