Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Political Parties
Gadarian discusses the Democratic primaries on WAER
Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, says that it’s still early to declare an official front-runner in the Democratic presidential primary.
See related: Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Lovely speaks to Washington Times about FBI, Chinese-American scientists
Professor of Economics Mary Lovely says the rules governing scientists’ ties to Chinese research institutions are murky and sometimes lead prosecutors to charge people who have made innocent mistakes. "People can stumble into things inadvertently. The rules have to be very clear and if someone violates those clear rules, then you throw the book at them," she says.
See related: China, Congress, Political Parties, U.S. National Security, United States
Reeher quoted in Modern Healthcare article on political contributions
"One of the main lenses to look at political contributions is as investments. That often leads to big investors hedging their bets, which they often do," says Professor Grant Reeher. He was interviewed for the Modern Healthcare article, about healthcare executives and the political consequences of their campaign donations
See related: Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Banks discusses Trump impeachment trial on KPCC
"One of the things to bear in mind about the procedure in the Senate is that there’s very little in the way of a legal road map. The Constitution says simply that the Senate should have the sole power to trial an impeachment," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs.
See related: Congress, Political Parties, United States
Reeher op-ed on new VPPCE program published in USA Today
See related: Political Parties, U.S. Education, United States, Veterans
Reeher comments on impeachment vote in Democrat & Chronicle
"The fact that this in the end became such a strict party line vote, I think it’s going to reinforce the divisions that already exist," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.
See related: Congress, New York State, Political Parties, State & Local
Banks discusses the latest in Trump's impeachment with China Daily
"For those who believe in the rule of law and the importance of constitutional norms, his impeachment is nonetheless important because it upholds and reinforces the importance of those norms," says Professor Emeritus William Banks.
See related: Federal, Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Thorson quoted in CT Mirror article on Connecticut's tax myth
“Misconceptions about a particular policy, these are pretty common,” says Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, about falsehoods about policies for an article for the CT Mirror.
See related: Media & Journalism, Political Parties, State & Local, Taxation, United States
Dickey quoted in Newsweek article on outing the whistleblower
See related: Crime & Violence, Federal, Political Parties, United States
Bybee speaks to CNY Central about the rise of political incivility
See related: Political Parties, United States